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Download the latest version of Internet Explorer.

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The site makes use of Javascripts, so users that view the site with the Javascript option in their browsers turned off may experience limited functionality.

Some of the documents in The Hong Kong Club website need plug-ins to be installed on your computer to function correctly.

Changing the font size

The text font size of the content at this website is adjustable in browsers which allows font re-sizing.

To vary the size of the fonts on Microsoft Internet Explorer or Firefox: from the browser's main menu click "View" then select the "Text Size" or "Text Zoom" menu item to adjust the font size as required.

Standards compliance

The Hong Kong Club website uses Web Standards to help keep pages small, quick to load in your browser and accessible to people with disabilities. Web browsers which do not use web standards may not render pages in the same way as modern, standards compliant web browsers, but should be readable and functionally similar on all devices.

Pages on this site have been designed to comply with W3 Accessibility Guidelines to level 2 compliance.

HTML is written to the HTML 4.01, Transitional Standard and CSS Style Sheets are used to separate visual presentation from content where possible.

All images which visually describe content have ALT tags.

Adobe PDF downloads

Adobe Reader is required to view the files. Please download from here if you do not have it.

Viewing PDFs on PC

To open a pdf file for immediate viewing, click on the document link to open the file in Acrobat. This will happen either in a new window or within the current browser window, depending on how you have your browser configured.

Saving PDFs on PC To save a pdf file for viewing later, right-click the document link, select "Save Target As" in Microsoft Internet Explorer or "Save Link As" in Firefox and specify a location on your hard-disk drive.

Further help

If you need further help or have comments or suggestions about The Hong Kong Club website please contact us.